The City of Dubrovnik stays in tune with public perception.

  • Conversation with

    Mato Franković, mayor

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  • Best impact

    Customer support, Mention feed, Real-time alerts, Mobile app

The City of Dubrovnik is a unit of local self-government within its self-governing scope, and by the Law on Local and Regional Self-Government, performs activities of local importance that directly meet the needs of citizens and are not assigned to state bodies by the Constitution or law.


Since the City of Dubrovnik is a local self-government unit, its goals are specific. They are primarily aimed at creating the desired quality of life and work in their administrative area, improving public services provided by the City, and realizing capital investments in communal and social infrastructure. Some of the ideas that the City of Dubrovnik promotes and whose realization is strategically oriented are the sustainable development of destinations and solutions that fall under the Smart City concept of resource management to achieve the highest quality of life for their citizens.

Solution & Impact

Due to the tools and processes The City of Dubrovnik uses, Determ is an excellent fit because they can get public opinion on their activities in real-time. That allows them to make better decisions in crisis situations and react promptly when a situation requires an urgent response.

They say that Determ is a precious tool in their daily work. The tool is used as a source of new information, media announcements, posts on social networks, and, most importantly, as an indicator of the public mood on specific topics because, thanks to Determ, they can accurately understand public opinion. Also, thanks to Determ, they can realistically assess the reach of their public messaging to correct possible omissions in the future and communicate better.

They certainly hold that the use of Determ has greatly facilitated daily work for all the above reasons. They no longer have to “Google” publications because all the necessary information is presented to them in one place at the time of their creation, which is crucial in their work. Reporting and analysis capabilities are also helpful benefits that this tool offers.

"Managing a system like a city of 40 thousand+ people in which the number of people almost doubles during the season has many challenges. The situation in which we found ourselves due to the pandemic, where we went from an excessive number of tourists and the increasingly successful management of the destination to tourism as our most represented industry completely dying out, is certainly one of those. In times of tourism growth, health threat, and economic crisis, but also in the current situation of tourism recovery, it is necessary to make good and thoughtful decisions that will always be in the public interest, even though some of them will not always be popular. Therefore, for me, as a mayor and the heads of other administrative departments, using media monitoring tools to track online publications and the public's reactions immensely help our everyday work. I am especially interested in the possibility of making reports and analyses because it provides an opportunity to spot and correct some gaps in communication. Also, due to the international position of Dubrovnik as a cultural and tourist center, I find the service of monitoring foreign media and social networks, in which Dubrovnik is increasingly represented, extremely important.”

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